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Light art installation “Dive” into the Light! Light Art for Meditation by Andreas Juergens

A light art project for meditation by me with the parish association Laim in Munich.

A light art installation in the church St. Ulrich in Munich Laim. The parish association Laim wanted to set a very special light-sign at the beginning of the light-time in Advent. That's how the idea for the light art installation in Immersion in Light was born on 11/30/2018.

Two white light surfaces slowly wander over the visitors, so that they dive into the light to meditate or just to dream a little. There is a cycle of immersion in the light and reappearing in the normal world. Over this surface the 2 green rays float and form a cross as a sign of our faith but also as a plus sign of solidarity between all people. Light art as a spiritual experience.

Thoughts on light art action Dive in to light.

Light Art Dive in to light
Light Art Dive in to light


Light surrounds us like a great lake and has always been a sign of life and hope. Light and water have something in common: they surround and even enclose us without depriving us of our freedom, and yet: we enter the light and the water changes. Much as the pre-Socratic philosopher describes it, "Into the same rivers we rise and do not rise. " With two surfaces of light slowly moving up and down, the parish of St. Ulrich in the parish association of Laim invites everyone to begin this time of light together.

The surfaces of pure light surround us. Like an expanse of water, they wash around us, while the shadows of the other visitors create sharp contours and thus a constantly changing image. Just as each visitor changes the picture for everyone else, our actions change the lives of everyone around us, even if we don't usually notice because it gets lost in the mundane. Every word, every gesture, every action affects the whole. So also the welfare and suffering of our fellow human beings. Our life always casts a shadow, even if it is not always immediately visible, becomes like here in our surfaces of light.

Let us use the Advent season to bring light into the lives of our fellow human beings with a kind word, with a small gesture. It is not material gifts and the hustle and bustle and stress of Christmas that will lead us into the meaning of Christmas, but how we treat the people we love and all our fellow human beings. You are invited to take the time to immerse yourself in the light and consciously perceive the contours and shadows that move within it. Maybe then you look at your own shadow a little more closely and realize that each of us can always change something in and for others. Diving into the light of life, exchanging and meeting. Sharing feelings, diving into the minds of others. All of this is the light of life, it surrounds us every day and is a gift we can simply accept to pass on. This creates a connection that we forget far too often, in a world in which more and more questions about the I than about the YOU or WE.

Nutzen wir die Zeit, um die eigenen Wertekoordinaten neu wahrzunehmen. Im Höhepunkt der dunklen Jahreszeit steht das Weihnachtsfest. Im Weihnachtsevangelium, das in unser beiden christlichen Kirche verkündet wird, ist von diesem Licht die Rede: „.. das Leben war das Licht des Menschen. Und das Licht leuchtet in der Finsternis und die Finsternis hat es nicht erfasst“ (Joh 1,4b-5). Über dieser Fläche schweben die 2 grünen Strahlen und bilden ein Kreuz als Zeichen unsers Glaubens aber auch als Pluszeichen für Verbundenheit zwischen allen Menschen. Auch das Kreuz gehört zu Weihnachten: Jesu Weg führt vom Holz der Krippe zum Holz des Kreuzes. Es sind für ihn (und für uns Christen!) die Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten. Das Kreuz ist auch die Einstimmung auf unser geplantes Lichtkunst-Projekt im kommenden Jahr 2019. Wo das Kreuz unseren ganzen Stadtteil überspannen soll, um ein Zeichen der Verbundenheit zu allen Menschen die hier bei uns leben und darüber hinaus zu setzen. 995 / 1024 Let us use the time to perceive our own value coordinates anew. At the peak of the dark season is Christmas. The Gospel of Christmas, proclaimed in both our Christian Churches, speaks of this light: ". . . life was the light of man. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not comprehended it" (John 1:4b-5). Above this surface the 2 green rays float and form a cross as a sign of our faith but also as a plus sign for solidarity between all people. The cross also belongs to Christmas: Jesus' path leads from the wood of the manger to the wood of the cross. It is for him (and for us Christians!) the boards that mean the world. The cross also sets the mood for our planned light art project in the coming year 2019. Where the cross should span our whole district, to set a sign of solidarity to all the people who live here with us and beyond.

Special thanks for the support to the parish association Laim.